The Science Behind Carbon Capture and Storage

Learn about the science behind carbon capture and storage technologies that aim to reduce emissions. Climate change appeals to humanity’s strong self-confidence by presenting itself as one of the fundamental global challenges. The more people see the temperatures rise globally the more the destruction of greenhouse gases turns to be a necessity. People have come to consciousness regarding the depleting effect of the greenhouse gases with the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitted from the use of fossil fuels being a fundamental domestic construction. In particular with regards to CO₂ emissions, scientists, engineers and politicians are keen on coming up with strategies which would allow energy security and economic development to proceed. Carbon Capture and Storage can be referred to as one such method.

CCS is a process of removing COâ‚‚ that is released during the operation of a power plant or during industrial processing of materials like iron ore from the atmosphere and storing it in rock layer formations or similar formations into the ground. In other words, CCS makes it possible to abundance the concentration of COâ‚‚ present in the atmosphere which reverses global warming.

This article will present all the technical information on how the Carbon Capture and Storage works, which factors affect the possibilities of capturing COâ‚‚ emissions and other relevant issues including the potential of carbon capture and storage in the reduction of COâ‚‚. Besides, we will touch on how CCS could contribute to the global objectives set in terms of climate action.

What is Carbon Capture and Storage?

CCS, or Carbon Capture and Storage, is a solution with three basic components: COâ‚‚ reduction, and storage that is concealed deep underground, after appropriate measures have been taken, and COâ‚‚ is transported to another location, once it has been captured from an industrial source. This manner, the COâ‚‚ does not end up in the atmosphere, where it helps to warm the Earth.

Step 1: Carbon Capture

The first step in CCS is capturing COâ‚‚ from large-scale emitters, utilities, factories, etc. There are three main methods of capturing COâ‚‚ that are in use: There are three major methods of doing this:

Post combustion capture: This process involves separation of COâ‚‚ from the exhaust after a burning process of fossil fuels has taken place. It is the most popular technique and can be added to already existing capacity.

Pre-combustion capture: Fossil fuels are first converted into hydrogen rich gas combined with carbon dioxide, rather than burned. Subsequently the carbon dioxide is sequestered while the hydrogen is combusted.

Oxy-fuel combustion: This method of fossil fuel combustion occurs in pure oxygen (rather than in air) resulting in a flue gas which primarily contains water vapor and CO2. The carbon dioxide can be captured immediately after water is removed from the product.

Step 2: Movement and Transfer of COâ‚‚

After the COâ‚‚ has been captured, it is prepared in either liquid or gaseous form in order to assist in its transportation. Pipelines are the preferred means of transportation, although smaller volumes can also use ships and trucks.

Step 3: Disposal of COâ‚‚

The last portion of this method includes safe disposal of all the COâ‚‚ in designated underground systems, for example, abandoned oil and natural gas fields or saline aquifers at considerable depths. These formations have the capability of holding COâ‚‚ safe from the atmosphere for thousands if not millions of years.

Contribution of CCS in Resisting Climate Change

CCS technology is one of the most important technologies when it comes to countering climate change. The technology is likely to reduce carbon dioxide emissions arising from the industrial and energy producing sectors which make a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions globally. As per the International Energy Agency (IEA), the deployment of CCS could lower global CO2 emissions by 19 percent by 2050 contributing energy to limit global temperature increases to below 2 degrees Celsius.

Key Sectors Where CCS Can Make an Impact:

Power generation: Power plants that are coal or natural gas based emit the greatest percentage of COâ‚‚ than any other sources. Revision of virtually all existing plants is carried out and along with the construction of new ones, emission choking, and retrieval is enabled.

Industrial processes: Industries such as cement, steel or chemical production are not ‘green’ – they produce a high amount of CO₂ emissions. These difficult to decarbonize sectors can be assisted through the use of CCS.

Hydrogen production: There is a growing perception that hydrogen can be used as a clean carrier of energy. The process of hydrogen production from fossil fuels contains COâ‚‚ which can be captured with the help of CCS.

Table 1: COâ‚‚ Emissions Reduction Achievement with CCS by Sector

Sector Current COâ‚‚ Emissions (Gt COâ‚‚) Potential Emission Reduction with CCS
Power Generation 12.7 80%
Industrial Processes 7.3 50%
Hydrogen Production 0.8 90%

Post-combustion Capture

A further way of removing carbon dioxide is post-combustion capture, which means extraction of COâ‚‚ from flue gases that come from burning coal, oil or gas. This separation process usually involves liquid absorption of the gas followed by gas liberation by heating the solvent. It is popular since it is an add-on to the already existing power plants without major overhauls of the designing plan of such a plant.

Pre-combustion Capture

A more complicated variant, called pre-combustion capture is usually implemented in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants. In this case, fossil fuels are subjected to conversion to a mixture of hydrogen and COâ‚‚. The carbon dioxide is captured before the use of hydrogen for electrical energy production. This method is more efficient; however specific design for the power plant is needed.

Oxy-fuel Combustion: Oxy-fuel combustion is the burning of fossil fuels in oxygen instead of air. As a result, a very concentrated stream of CO2 is produced, which is readily available for capture. This method is still under its infancy stage but holds much promise for efficiency.

Challenges of Carbon Capture and Storage

Though highly promising, CCS still presents numerous challenges that limit its utilization on large scale.

1. Cost: COâ‚‚ capture, transport, and storage incurs a large amount which aspects it economically unappealing as compared to the other low carbon technologies such as renewable energy. But in the future, once this technology matures and scaling up is done, these costs shall be reduced.

2. Energy Utilization:  A lot of energy is used in the capture process, which can lead to poor efficiency in power plants and other industrial plants. Energy efficiency of CCS is being enhanced with new advances.

3. Risk of Storing CO2: The process of storing CO2 must be done with care to ensure its containment in the chosen area. There is anxiety over the potential for leakage or whether the site used for storage would be stable through time. In any case, research proves that CO2 leakage is very unlikely if the site is well chosen and monitored.

4. Public Acceptance: Public perception and social acceptance is necessary in the implementation of the CCS technology. Some people might have reservations on the impacts associated with the underground storage or might not comprehend the purpose of carbon storage and its usefulness in decreasing the emissions.

Table 2: Challenges and Solutions in CCS

Challenge Solution
High costs Scale-up and innovation to reduce costs
Energy consumption Developing energy-efficient capture methods
Risk of COâ‚‚ leakage Advanced monitoring and site selection
Public understanding Education and awareness campaigns


Feature Traditional CCS Direct Air Capture
Source of COâ‚‚ Industrial processes, power plants Ambient air
Scale of deployment Large-scale facilities Smaller, decentralized units
Potential for negative emissions No Yes


What is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)?

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an engineered process involving the capturing carbon dioxide which are generated from various industrial activities and disposing them to locations that are not easily releasing to the atmosphere.

In what way does CCS contribute to the climate change mitigation effort?

The core function of CCS is to cut back CO2 emitted in the air which in hand helps in the reduction of climate change. This is quite important in those industries which are very difficult to decarbonize like that of cement/steel industries.

Is CCS relatively costly?

In the present stage, CCS costs a lot especially because of the energy used for capturing and the transport and storage facilities. However, it is expected that there would be a drop in the costs as the invention gets better and adopted widely.

What are the dangers associated with CO2 storage underground?

There is a good potential for perception that the risk of CO2 leakage is negligible in absence of careful site selection, monitoring which cannot be done. Studies have shown that adequate geology can store carbon dioxide for thousands of years.

Can the integration of renewable energy be possible with CCS?

Yes, CCS can permanently store fossil-fuel-generated CO2 and thus be used with renewable energy sources to supplement the energy mix by controlling emissions from prevailing fossil-fuel power plants. In the future, it may be used, together with bioenergy, in negative emissions technologies.


CCS is one of the measures for combating climate change. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) refers to the separation and purging of the greenhouse gas CO2 emissions so that they do not contribute to global warming. Carbon emission reductions involving CCS are, however, not without challenges although benefits are gradually overcoming the barriers of science and engineering which is effective C zero technology nowadays.

Carbon capture technology will be particularly effective in the industry once the low carbon technology transition towards carbon neutral economy reaches specific sectors where emissions are challenging to eliminate. Provided that additional technological development and public acceptance occurs, this new approach is likely to have a large impact on climate changes issues.

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