How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health

In the modern world, mental health is an area of growing concern. People are always looking for solutions to fight stress, anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. Engaging in physical activity is an effortless, natural and effective way of enhancing one’s mental state. There are also several psychological advantages related to physical activity apart from the apparent advantages of health.

The Interrelationship Between the Body and Mind

When talking about exercising, what comes to our mind mainly are forms of exercise for weight reduction, cardiovascular health improvement and increase in strength. But then the other benefit which is mental health benefit is also valuable. Physical activities release chemicals in the brain called endorphins, which are said to improve one’s mood and decrease the perception of pain. All these forms a natural high, which makes the person emotionally stable and happy.

Table 1. Benefits of Physical and Mental Health of Exercises

Physical Benefits Mental Health Benefits
Weight control Reduced stress and anxiety
Improved cardiovascular health Better sleep quality
Increased energy levels Enhanced mood and happiness
Stronger muscles and bones Increased focus and concentration
Reduced risk of chronic diseases Boosted self-esteem and confidence

Reducing Stress and Anxiety by Fitness

Among all forms of treatment, exercise targets the most stress and anxiety related symptoms. When a person exercises, there is a decrease in the stress hormones produced by his/her body- cortisol. At the same time, the level of hormones responsible for already relaxing and inducing happiness: the endorphins, rises. Such changes in one’s body chemistry make him/her effectively cope with stress.

Exercise and Depression A ‘Side Effect’ Help for Depression

Doing the most ordinary activities such as getting out of bed or taking a stroll can be seemingly impossible when one is down with depression. But certain studies reveal that exercise can be used as a natural remedy for depression. During the physical activities, certain neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, are freed in the brain, and they assist in controlling emotional states. These substances will make you feel better in terms of mood, making you more positive and energetic.

Table 2: Types of exercises beneficial for mental health and its use among population.

Type of Exercise Mental Health Benefits
Aerobic exercises (running, biking) Reduces anxiety and improves mood
Strength training (weightlifting) Enhances self-esteem and reduces stress
Yoga and stretching Promotes relaxation and mental clarity
Group sports (soccer, basketball) Encourages social interaction and reduces loneliness
Walking and light activities Improves mood and provides mental refreshment

How Exercise Enhances One’s Brain

It is a known fact that exercise has an impact on one’s mood and other emotions… But exercise affects our thinking too. Aerobic exercise improves memory, concentration, attention, and critical thinking due to greater amounts of blood delivery to the brain with oxygen. There is evidence that physical activity promotes an increase of new nerve cells in the brain, a phenomenon called neurogenesis, and this is mostly seen in brain regions that control memory and learning.

mental health

Sleep and Mental Illness: The Effect of Exercise

Sleep hygiene is important in the prevention of mental disorders such as anxiety or depression and regular exercise can help facilitate better sleep. Exercise may act in synchronizing the body’s biological clock so that it becomes easy to fall asleep and stay asleep for most of the night. This means that after a good quality sleep, people will be in a better mood, be less irritable, and their brains will be clearer and sharper the following day.

How Everybody Can Gain Self-esteem from Physical Activity

Self-esteem is crucial for one’s mental wellbeing. People suffering from low self-esteem are known to suffer from withdrawal, anxiety and depression. By achieving fitness goals, which may include strength gains, weight loss, or completing a set fitness regimen, exercise contributes to the development of self-esteem. All these make a person feel good and consider himself/herself a success.

Table 3: How Exercise Helps People Struggling with Various Mental Disorders

Mental Health Condition How Exercise Helps
Depression Increases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin levels
Anxiety Reduces stress hormones and promotes relaxation
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Helps regulate emotions and improve sleep
ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Improves focus and concentration through aerobic exercises
Insomnia Enhances sleep quality and helps reset the body’s internal clock

How to Begin Exercising for Mental Health

The good news is that you do not have to become an exercise oddball to receive the psychological health gains of the activity. Even light-moderate level activities such as gardening, walking or stretching can help in lifting your mood and clearing your mind. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Start Small: For those beginning an exercise program or working towards mental wellness, then starting small is wise. Even a 10-minute walk around the block or some basic stretching can be effective.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Setting realistic fitness goals promotes a sense of achievement, for example working out three times a week for half an hour is satisfactory. This can inspire you to more than just meet your regime.
  • Pick Exercises that you like: Chose among activities that you enjoy whether soreness results in you lacking at dancing, swimming or going for a hike. Working out is morbid and should not be the case.
  • Make It Group Oriented: Bring a friend to work out or join a workout group so that you treat, exercising as an event rather than just a workout. […] As this helps to bring another element of pressure and fun to avoid making working out as a burden.
  • Be respectful to your body: If you are feeling a bit lethargic or you are not in any mood to work out, just rest. There is no offense in such a case, since it is intended to make you feel better in this area, not to create additional strain in other spheres of life.


How often should I exercise to improve my mental health?

No, you do not have to exercise every day all day long. If you want to experience the mental health benefits of physical activity, aim for moderate exercise for 30 minutes three to five times a week.

Can exercise replace medication for mental health?

There are benefits to exercising for mental health, but it does not serve in lieu of seeking professional help. Any changes to your treatment should be done only after consulting a physician.

What are the best exercises for reducing stress and anxiety?

Joshing such an activity, yoga, walking swimming or cycling will be very distressful. Do some activities which you like and those which will make you feel comfortable.

Can exercise make mental health conditions worse?

Exercising is expected to boost positive moods for the majority of people. But if there is some other condition or if you are feeling too much pressure, consult with a physician to know what exercise is safe for you.

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